Serious diseases

Schwere Krankheiten

Dread disease: Financial protection in the event of serious illness. 

A serious illness can throw your financial plans for the future out of whack. Dread disease insurance pays the full sum insured immediately in the event of a serious illness. You decide which health risks you want to insure in your dread disease policy.

Savings and premium tariffs
Savings tariffs only pay out for the most important illnesses such as cancer, stroke, heart attack, blindness and loss of speech. Comprehensive dread disease plans also pay out for rarer health conditions such as pancreatitis, multiple sclerosis and chronic muscle weakness, as well as after organ transplants, severe burns and bypass surgery. With the right contract, you can insure up to 55 illnesses.

Dread disease contract or occupational disability insurance?
Unlike occupational disability insurance, dread disease immediately pays the full contract sum as soon as a serious illness occurs. Occupational disability insurance only pays the agreed monthly pension when you are actually no longer able to work.

The advantage of genuine occupational disability cover is that you receive the pension regardless of which illness leads to occupational disability. Mental disorders, joint wear and tear or circulatory diseases are also covered by occupational disability insurance.

Comparison and offer Serious illnesses

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